Saturday, September 16, 2006

Autumn Joy Sedum


theups said...

OH MY!!! Your Autumn Joy Sedum is GORGOEOUS and it's PINK!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! I can't wait to get my fall garden growing!!! I pray it looks even half as lovely as yours!!!

Mrs. U

Susan P. said...

How beautiful! I have never grown Sedum before, is it hard to grow?

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Thank you, Mrs. U and Susan!

It isn't hard at all to grow..... I bought two very small plants last year at a closeout sale (a dollar each, I think :) and planted them in the side flower bed. They don't really require a lot of fuss or care.... and you are rewarded with these beautiful full blossoms in the fall!

LTD said...

Oh so pretty!!! I have a gate similar to this one but have not decided where to put it yet. I had an Autumn joy Sedum once but I think that my blooms were more of a coral color, I love the pink color.