A birdcage (I can't stop myself) that will be painted..... some twig nests, a wooden egg....
Today is my mother's birthday. You might recall I bought this vintage planter at an antique/junk store recently. I cleaned it up and placed a miniature yellow rose in it, as yellow roses are my mom's favorite flower. My mom bought a brand new house a little over a year ago, and she and her husband have been working hard to landscape it. I'm sure she will have no trouble finding a spot for this rose!
Tonight, she will be attending our youngest's performance in the high school musical. He has the lead male role (I'm bragging a bit, moms are allowed, right? ;) Last night was opening night, and it was very enjoyable. I will share a few photos in a post sometime this weekend. Some of the girls' costumes are fun to look at, as it is set in the 40's.......
I would also like to wish my friend Nikki a Happy Birthday, as hers is today as well! Nikki is just beautiful, inside and out! Have a great day, Nikki!
Do you know what this was/is used for? I don't! It is silverplated, approximately ten inches tall, and the little"bucket" at the top swivels or "swings". So some kind of serving piece?
She has a pretty pink gemstone on her back. Her skirt is bell shaped, but she has no workings for a bell.
Any idea?
Edited to Add: A big thank you to *kjquilts* for answering this "whattizit"!! It's a German wedding cup ~ designed so that the bride and groom can drink from it at the same time! I never would have thought of that; thank you so much!
Here's the link kj provided http://www.german-toasting-glasses.com/german_wedding_cups.html
Wow, now I'm thinking I really got a deal; I think I paid around $2 for this at Goodwill! :)
Plus how sweet to know that it's used for such a romantic occasion!
Look at this beautiful bluebird pendant that my new friend Donna made for me! It arrived in the mail today! Isn't it lovely?
Donna had asked me to share my vintage postcard image of a bluebird with a rose, and she made this for me, out of that image, as a thank you! What a wonderful surprise! Thank you, Donna!
Donna makes adorable pendants; they are very sweet, and reasonably priced too. Here's the link to her shoppe on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5103560
How could I not like a shoppe that is called Bluebird Lane?
It was one-year ago today that I first began this blog, and this is the picture that I used that day. At that time, I stated, "My hope is to share lovely thoughts and things with you". And I hope that is what I have done, at least most of the time!
I enjoy pretty things, and I enjoy sharing pretty things. It has been such a blessing to find so many of you that also enjoy pretties like I do ~~ to find so many kindred spirits ~~ and so many sweet and encouraging souls out there.
And on that note, a few of you (listed below) have blessed me this week by nominating me for the thinking blog award. If you haven't yet visited these lovely ladies' blogs, please take a moment to do so, you will be encouraged by their beautiful photography and by the words they share.
And I thank all of my dear blogging friends for the encouragement each and every one of you are to me.
Found at Goodwill over the weekend....... the Shabby Chic set is actually a twin duvet/pillow sham. Do I have a twin bed? No! Did that stop me from buying this? Nope! :) I figure, I can use the pillow sham on our bed, and do something neat with the pretty fabric, since it was a good price. The little rose plate was forty-nine cents. And look at this cute candleholder someone painted in the shabby chic style. It was $1.99....